
The King James Bible is the only Bible that uses the "Majority Text," consisting of over 5300 ancient existing
manuscripts with 99% agreement, while not using the corrupt "Minority Text." This is not a light matter. The
known corrupt nature of the "Minority Text" is what Paul referred to in 2 Corinthians 2:17 "For we are not as
many, which corrupt the word…" Corruption is what is taking place today in Bible editing and production.
Corrupt: "To pervert; to falsify; to infect with errors; as to corrupt the sacred text." - Webster’s Dictionary (Adding
to, subtracting from or changing in any way).
Corruption is nothing new. It began in the Garden of Eden with the serpent. In Genesis 3:1, 4 "Yea, hath God
said…?" and "Ye shall not surely die." First God’s word is questioned and then it is changed (added to). This is no
different today. Do you think Satan has let up on the attack on God’s word? Don’t kid yourself. He has intensified
and has become even more subtle. If Paul said corruption was taking place back then, what about today?
We must beware, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." (2 Corinthians
2:11). The battle for God’s word is raging fellow Christian!
Reasons for Superiority and Reliability:
1. The King James is the only Bible freely operating within the "public domain," without a financial copyright. The
only restrictions are within the area of its origin – Great Britain, where there is a Crown "Cum Privilegio" Patent.
"To be copyrightable, a derivative work must be different enough from the original to be regarded as a 'new work'
or must contain a substantial amount of new material. Making minor changes or additions of little substance to a
pre-existing work will not qualify the work as a new version for copyright purposes." --The Derivative Copyright Law
(partial). This fact causes 'new' copy written Bibles to violate the prohibition not to add or take away from God’s
word (Revelation 22:18-19).
2. All new Bible producers use the King James Bible as the standard to pattern their Bibles after, including and
following the same chapter and verse numbers.
3. The KJB is the only Bible faithful to the original language Majority Text without using Minority Text passages
(even in footnotes that can cast doubt on the word).
4. The corrupt Roman Vaticanus and Sinaiticus manuscripts were used to change the KJB’s "Majority Text" in
thousands of places, causing tens of thousands of changes of additions, deletions and other changes to all too
many words, sentences and whole paragraphs.
5. The King James uses "Bible English," which is the highest form of our language. God’s word is majestic and
elegant both in the Hebrew, Greek and English. Every word is perfect and necessary. Matthew 4:4 "It is written,
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” The last portion is
removed in some new versions ("but by every word…")
6. Two notable Bible editors have had their speech affected negatively after changing God's word. Mysteriously
half way through his paraphrase, The Living Bible, Kenneth Taylor lost his voice and still speaks in a hoarse whisper.
A psychiatrist who examined him suggested that the voice failure was Taylor‘s psychological self-punishment for
tampering with what he believed to be the word of God.‖- Time, July 24, 1972. Religion: A Plowman's Bible?
JB Phillips, author of what is commonly known as the Phillips Translation, lost his ability to speak publicly in 1961-
The Price of Success An Autobiography, pg 193. Another interesting note is one of the steps in Phillips's method to
create his NT translation was "First, to rid his mind of the language of the AV" - A Dictionary of the English Bible
and its Origins, pg 135.
7. The text underlying the King James Bible was the one used for all major "life changing" revivals, worldwide,
from the apostles' era up through the present day.
8. The King James Bible is superior for four technical reasons. A. The best translators; B. The best texts; C. The best
translation technique; D. The best theology.
Statements of the critics, with answers:
1. “The KJB does not use the ‘most recent findings,' or 'most ancient manuscripts.’
Answer: This charge is incorrect. The KJB translators had access to all the manuscripts available today, via the
Roman Catholic Church’s Latin Vulgate Bible. The "most recent manuscripts" back the KJB 95% of the time and new
versions only 5%. This ratio is not reported.
2. "The King James Bible is too difficult to read because the language is archaic and outdated."
Answer: Incorrect. The Flesch Kincade Research Organization Grade Level Indicator rated the KJB at the lowest
reading level of 5.8th grade. The language is elegant and majestic, just like the original Hebrew and Greek. We don’t
change medical, legal, technical or scientific language and everybody adapts to them, so why try to change God’s
3. "Other versions are easier to understand and are written like our newspaper."
Answer: 2 Timothy 2:15 tells us to "study," which takes work. It is "self" "work." Read the verse. It will take prayer,
patience and work to get understanding. This is God's intent.
4. "There are too many difficult words."
Answer: A good dictionary will help, along with the "built in dictionary" that only the King James Bible has. God
defines every word there.
5. "There are errors in the King James Bible."
Answer: Every 'perceived' error can be proven false with prayer, fasting, study and patience for revelation.
Garrett, Les; Which Bible Can We Trust?. Holland, Dr. Thomas; Crowned With Glory. Jones, Floyd Nolan; Which Version is The
Bible?. Segraves, Daniel; The Search for the Word of God. A Defense of the King James Version. Out of print. Obtainable online.
Stauffer, D.D.; One Book Stands Alone. The Bible, Its Origin and Use; Word Aflame Press; PPH, 2013
by: S. Smart